Tips for Facing the Phenomenon of Artificial Intelligence for Workers

Arif Wicaksono
3 min readDec 10, 2023


Unsplash/Markus Winkler.

Artificial intelligence (AI), which is growing in various countries, is a concern for workers. AI can disrupt jobs because it is fast, efficient, agile, and economical. Workers must also start to adapt to this habit.

Data from LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network, shows that the skills needed for various jobs worldwide are expected to change by at least 65 percent by 2030.

AI occurs in line with the rapid development of AI technology in accelerating changes in the work environment.

Regional Director of Google Cloud Indonesia & Malaysia Megawaty Khie said technological developments cannot be avoided, just like the development of parking in several shopping places that are now ticketless.

Humans must get used to the changes that occur so quickly and create new habits.

“In the past, when you parked your car, you used a ticket from the parking attendant, then when you left, you had to pay; now you don’t get a ticket when you go to the mall; you just tap to get in and tap out,” he said.

adaptation to new technology

He emphasized that workers must also adapt to new technology not to be left behind in the face of changes in artificial intelligence.

Then he gave the example of the death of Kodak’s business as a creator of digital imaging because of fear of change.

When Kodak stops evolving with change, other players will seriously enter the digital imaging business, so consumers will finally abandon Kodak.

“Now he was the founder of digital imaging at Kodak, but the others developed when he stopped because he was afraid it wouldn’t sell. Nowadays, people rarely carry cameras and use cellphone cameras without washing the print resolution (images) also remains high,” he stressed.

He said that humans should always learn new things like AI because every era always demands changes in different ways. Artificial intelligence can enable humans to be one step ahead and become even more competitive.

“Two-edged sword technology can kill people and can cook. Google is making AI responsible. We are keeping the signs; we urge you so that you are also awake and enjoying the benefits of new technology. We need to know how technology can advance Indonesia,” he stressed.

Develop skills and keep trying

McKinsey’s Leader for Employee and Organization Development for Southeast Asia, Phillip Wibowo, said that critical problem-solving is needed amid the flow of artificial intelligence.

This requirement is because some jobs will be lost and replaced by technology. However, he realized that some jobs, such as nurse, nurse, or CEO, still require a human touch.

“Critical problem solving is needed, so it requires investment in people. You can overcome it by reskilling because certain jobs will be replaced, half of which will be empty and (half) full, so being agile and reskilling is a priority for workers now,” he stressed.

use of AI

LinkedIn research also found that professionals in Indonesia are the most enthusiastic about using AI in their work (99 percent) compared to other markets in the Asia Pacific, such as Australia (84 percent), Singapore (97 percent), Malaysia (96 percent), and Japan (75 percent).

Nearly 67 percent of professionals in Indonesia also look forward to using AI to get career advice or handle difficult situations at work (82 percent).

So that the workforce is ready to face future changes, business leaders are placing the Human Resources (HR) division and recruiting teams at the forefront.

Around 95 percent of talent recruiters in Southeast Asia said their role had become more strategic in the past year, especially in ​​talent acquisition.

AI will become an important tool for completing tough tasks so HR teams can focus on more strategic work.

LinkedIn Indonesia Country Leader Rohit Kalsy said AI is bringing civilization to a new world of work, reshaping work, business, and industry.

With this many changes occurring, business leaders must assess the skills needed now and in the years to come.



Arif Wicaksono

A writer who works professionally in one of the media in Jakarta. Trying to write 100 articles a year in English.